Mixed Reality Panel: Meet The Super Star Agency Owners
We're packing our headsets for the world's first ever Mixed Reality Marketing Summit produced by Mixed Reality Futurist and Influencer Cathy Hackl. Virtual and mixed reality is quickly becoming the next big thing in the digital marketing world with endless opportunities for brands to extend their creativity and reach. This conference represents a landmark event with influencers, disrupters and evangelists from the industry coming to talk about the opportunities, challenges and ideas surrounding AR/VR and MR.
The only thing that might shine brighter than mixed reality's potential are the power house speakers talking about it. Lisa Buyer will be moderating the agency roundtable featuring Johanna Salazar, Resh Sidhu, Miguel Sanchez, and Lucas Kappaz. We got to know a little more about their virtual beliefs, passions, and what made them the industry leaders they are today.
Meet the MR Agency Super Stars
Between running companies, speaking engagements and creating jaw dropping content, the speakers for the Mixed Reality panel took a minute to answer some of our burning questions.
Johanna Salazar
Co-Founder & Chief Media Disrupter, Two Goats

- Home Base? 🏠
- First Mixed Reality Experience? 🦄
- Oh yikes, my memory is bad. I'm thinking of Disney World experiences from back when I was a child. But more recently what got me super excited for MR was a coloring book with racing cars, i colored my own cars and then the cars came to life with my phone and they were racing on my kitchen table and around my living room floor. It opened my mind to so much as a creative producer.
- Mixed Reality in 3 Words?
- The Future of Everything! (is that 3 words lol)
- Secret Talent? 💃🏼
- I'm Wonder Woman!
- Zodiac Sign? 🌟
- Taurus
- Currently Reading? 📚
- Defying Reality: The Inside Story of the Virtual Reality Revolution
- Where Will MR Be In Five Years? ⏰
- Companies and industries will be going directly to consumers to test and pick products and brands. The late starters will be rushing to catch up. The industries that adopted these technologies early on will become the leaders in the space. Digitization will be of huge importance and data will become a huge priority for everyone.
- Leaders You Admire? 🔥
- Netflix - Ted Sarandos & Reed Hastings
- Twitter Handle? 🐦
- @_JohannaSalazar
- LinkedIn Profile? 📃
- https://linkedin.com/in/johannasalazar/
Resh Sidhu
Creative Director, AKQA

- Home Base? 🏠
- First Mixed Reality Experience? 🦄
- The Nissan IDx VR Experience - Revolutionized car design at Tokyo Motorshow 2013
- Mixed Reality in 3 Words?
- Infinite possibilities
- Zodiac Sign? 🌟
- Libra
- Currently Reading? 📚
- Dawn of the New Everything by Jaron Lanier
- Where Will MR Be In Five Years? ⏰
- The complete opposite of what we imagine - no-one knows to predict the future we must create it now.
- Leaders You Admire? 🔥
- Maya Angelou
- Twitter Handle? 🐦
- @webkitten
- LinkedIn Profile? 📃
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/reshsidhu/
Miguel Sanchez
Founder and Creative Director, Mass Ideation

- Home Base? 🏠
- The Bronx, NYC
- First Mixed Reality Experience? 🦄
- Used Robot Raid on Hololens and worked on a training app for Chanel.
- Mixed Reality in 3 Words?
- Game changing technology
- Secret Talent? 💃🏼
- I can see the future 😂
- Zodiac Sign? 🌟
- Aquarius
- Currently Reading? 📚
- Physical Control of the Mind
- Where Will MR Be In Five Years? ⏰
- Glasses will be smaller but not small enough to walk around with all day so it will be used for enterprise, sales enablement and training.
- Leaders You Admire? 🔥
- Obama
- Twitter Handle? 🐦
- @msanchezsworld
- LinkedIn Profile? 📃
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/msanchezsworld/
Lucas Kappaz
Co-Founder and Chief Revenue Officer, VR Americas

- Home Base? 🏠
- Santa Monica
- First Mixed Reality Experience? 🦄
- Galáctic Attack Roller Coaster
- Mixed Reality in 3 Words?
- Beyond Everywhere Solution
- Secret Talent? 💃🏼
- Imitate people and accents
- Zodiac Sign? 🌟
- Leo
- Currently Reading? 📚
- A novel "Nobody Can Take My Life"
- Where Will MR Be In Five Years? ⏰
- Absolutely everywhere
- Leaders You Admire? 🔥
- Too Many. To mention two, Gene Kranz and Indra Nooyi.
- Twitter Handle? 🐦
- @lkappaz
- LinkedIn Profile? 📃
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucaskappaz
Now that you know everything about the speakers, don't stop at this post! Continue your MR journey on your own by checking out these great sources:
Marketing New Realities by Cathy Hackl